Blockchain Games : What Motivates Players ?

Blockchain Games: What Motivates Players ?

Before you enjoy this article, please note that Creaverse Studio does not offer investment advice, and this content is designed to educate our readers on how the blockchain gaming industry is evolving. 💙

In the dynamic world of video gaming, the advent of blockchain games marks a revolution, offering unprecedented benefits and pushing the boundaries of digital interaction.

Following the analysis of the Blockchain Game Alliance in 2023, and our knowledge of game development on The Sandbox Metaverse, we aim to address questions surrounding player interest in adopting blockchain games.

First, we will explore how digital asset ownership is a cornerstone in changing gaming habits. We will also discover how reward models for players are becoming a major component of video games' success.

Source : Blockchain Game Alliance - Industry Statement Report

Asset Ownership: The Cornerstone of Blockchain Games

The Era of Digital Ownership : New Forms of Player Incentives in Blockchain Games.

Asset ownership is cited as the main benefit of blockchain games by 76.2% of respondents to the Blockchain Game Alliance survey. This concept was absent in web2 games, where terms and conditions prohibited the exchange of items outside the game for real value.

What are we talking about when we discuss digital ownership ?

Digital ownership, in the context of games and online assets, refers to the real control and possession by users of their digital assets, such as game items, virtual currencies, or digital content. This form of ownership offers significant benefits, such as the ability to exchange, sell, or use these assets outside the original platforms, bringing real value and increased flexibility to users. Although the concept is not yet widely spread due to technological challenges and cultural resistance, it is increasingly being adopted by new generations, attracted by the possibilities of autonomy and economic innovation it offers in the digital space.

What interests players so much in this concept of digital ownership?

Sense of Real Ownership : Players seek to have authentic control and possession of their digital assets, such as characters, equipment, or virtual currencies. Blockchain games, by offering this possibility, meet their desire to truly "own" a part of their gaming experience.

Value and Flexibility of Assets : Digital ownership allows players to view their digital assets as investments. They can sell, exchange, or use them in different blockchain games, thus offering added value and flexibility that were previously inaccessible.

Security and Transparency : With the rise of online security concerns, players are attracted to the security and transparency offered by blockchain games. Transactions and asset ownership are recorded securely and indelibly, reducing the risks of fraud and loss.

Why is blockchain indispensable for building new forms of incentives for players ?

Blockchain makes the player experience more engaging, as it allows players to have more control over their items and rewards in blockchain games.

Authentic Ownership : Unlike traditional games, where acquired items are merely virtual possessions with limited scope, blockchain changes the game. When you win or purchase an item, character, or avatar in a blockchain game, it truly becomes yours. This authentic ownership allows you not only to maintain your progress but also to sell or use them in other blockchain-compatible games. A world of possibilities opens up for you, extending beyond the borders of a single game.

Enhanced Security in Transactions : Economic interactions in the world of blockchain games are possible partly due to increased security and unparalleled transparency. Every transaction is meticulously recorded on the blockchain, ensuring unmatched reliability. This practically eliminates the risks of fraud or theft of your valuable digital assets, allowing you to trade with confidence.

Active Player Participation : A fascinating aspect of blockchain games is the ability given to players to actively participate in the evolution of the game. Your voice matters; you can influence the rules, suggest new features, and thus shape the future of the game. This is a break from the traditional model where players are mere consumers; here, you become a key player in the game universe.

For example, The Sandbox operates on the Ethereum Blockchain.

How does blockchain revolutionize this concept by allowing players to own, exchange, and collect digital resources?

To immerse oneself in this paradigm shift established through blockchain, it is important to remember that:

👉 Every component of a Sandbox game can technically be minted and become an NFT

👉 Every piece of equipment can technically be minted and become an NFT

👉 The currency of The Sandbox ecosystem is a crypto-asset based on the Ethereum blockchain

Got it?

Now let's look at the case of John, a blockchain games player who holds crypto-assets and fully exploits the benefits of digital ownership.

Initial Statement : John played the Ledgerverse experience a few months ago and obtained several pieces of equipment. ⚔️

Source :

Problem : He now wishes to acquire an avatar to participate in the community event of the Notorious BIG 👑 game, but for this, he must resell one of his Ledgerverse assets.

Source : Big Poppa Avatar Collection

Solution : To do this, John will be able to put a piece of equipment up for sale, and another player will be able to buy it because his item has value in crypto-assets.

Technological Innovation : The transaction is secured by blockchain and will allow John to receive crypto-assets in return. 🤝

Digital Ownership: He will finally be able to acquire his avatar, in exchange for the piece of equipment. Anyone can see on Etherscan that John is the owner of a Big Poppa avatar.

Because he is the owner of his digital assets and these assets have real value. ✅

All this is orchestrated by several stakeholders :

The Sandbox 💙

Provides support for developing virtual worlds connected to the blockchain.

Game publishers on The Sandbox 🚀

They create the virtual world and choose the game assets they will publish on the blockchain.

Players 🤠

They play and are rewarded for their engagement with the game.

Blockchain ⚙️

Allows the issuance of digital tokens, validates transactions between stakeholders, and ensures their security.

Thanks to blockchain, it is also possible to create systems where digital assets (such as game items or characters) can be used or transferred between different games. This means that an item acquired in one game could potentially be used or exchanged in another, which was previously impossible in traditional games.

The Sandbox is a virtual world where players can play several mini-games and be rewarded for their progress.

It is worth noting that game publishers have the option to prevent players from using items from other experiences present on The Sandbox.

Revenue and Reward Models for Players in Blockchain Games

The dynamics of revenue and reward models for players in the field of blockchain games in 2023 present a complex and evolving landscape. On one hand, the industry faces persistent challenges in integrating players, but on the other, it explores innovative avenues to enrich the user experience.

Why are players primarily interested in the reward system ?

The main challenge remains the acquisition of new players, a challenge cited by more than half of the respondents in the BGA survey. Although progress has been made with the adoption of models such as free-to-own and free-to-play, the industry must now succeed in attracting premium players.

This is a complex task today because concerning the quality of the game, web3 games are still considered inferior to web2 games in terms of features and gameplay.

This is true in absolute terms, but it is evolving.

From a demographic point of view, what are the expectations of web3 players ?

The 2023 BGA report highlights 4 interesting facts:

  • 18-24 year olds are mainly concerned with understanding blockchain concepts.
  • Women are concerned with understanding the complexity of blockchain and its in-depth opportunities.
  • Those over 25 are primarily concerned with gameplay.
  • Men are primarily concerned with gameplay.

Perceptions also vary according to gender and age, but it is interesting to consider this information as it is also noted that we are still far from a form of parity in the sector.

Among young people aged 18 to 24, understanding blockchain concepts is also a major concern, while older professionals focus more on gameplay.

The Sandbox's Reward Pools : A Model That Appeals to Players

For an engaging model, The Sandbox relies on "seasons of experiences" during which players are directly rewarded by visiting game experiences and completing quests to progress.

There are generally 15 to 40 game experiences that make up a community season organized by The Sandbox.

Some brands create their own season with The Sandbox throughout the year.

By closely observing the right side of the screen above, you will notice that this reward system is progressive and based on your history in the game.

Note that each reward pool is created to be distributed to a significant number of players. If you aim to make money through this means, think in terms of expected gains rather than direct gains.

Depending on your history, you will be assigned to a reward pool or not, and here are the different outcomes possible for The Sandbox's "Season Greetings" :

Didn't have any history on The Sandbox ?

👉 You join the public pool of 100,000 $SAND

Do you have an avatar from a collection on The Sandbox?

👉 You join the "Avatar Owners" pool of 200,000 $SAND

👉 You join the public pool of 100,000 $SAND

Do you have a LAND on The Sandbox?

👉 You join the "Land Owners" pool of 300,000 $SAND

👉 You join the public pool of 100,000 $SAND

Do you have both?

👉 You join the "Land Owners" pool of 300,000 $SAND

👉 You join the "Avatar Owners" pool of 200,000 $SAND

👉 You join the public pool of 100,000 $SAND

Blockchain games and more specifically The Sandbox, open up fascinating and innovative horizons for players. What radically distinguishes blockchain games from traditional games is the true digital ownership of assets, greater security and transparency in transactions, and active and significant player participation in the evolution of games.

Players of blockchain games are motivated by the promise of increased control over their digital assets, which they can not only use in the game, but also exchange or sell in a real and dynamic economy. This sense of authentic ownership, combined with the potential to achieve tangible gains, attracts an increasingly broad and diverse audience.

The Sandbox, in particular, stands out for its innovative economic model. Seasonal reward pools and the opportunity for players to actively participate in a rich and interactive ecosystem meet the expectations of players of all ages and backgrounds. Whether through creation, exploration, or participation in community events, The Sandbox offers a platform where each action has an impact and value.

However, the blockchain games industry still has challenges to overcome, particularly in terms of gameplay quality and understanding of blockchain concepts. Despite these obstacles, the potential for growth and innovation in this sector is immense. With the continuous evolution of technology and a better understanding of blockchain by the general public, blockchain games are well positioned to revolutionize the video game industry and offer an enriching and rewarding experience to players around the world.

Creaverse Studio, as a passionate and involved actor in this evolution, is delighted to share these exciting perspectives with its readers. We look forward to seeing how blockchain games will continue to evolve and transform the gaming experience for millions of players around the world.